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Read our change management top tips for HR

Change can be good or bad in equal measure. Funnily enough, even though it's a neutral word in and of itself, when people hear it, they automatically assume the worst because good or bad, it is sure to impact their comfort zone. And we all like our comfort zone, be it how we do our jobs, who we work with or the hours we work. Deep down it's about security.

Even where changes might not be happy changes, the aim should be to lessen the blows where they might exist. That's all an organisation can do so that should be done in a way that inspires confidence. Here’s our advice for managing change in your workplace:

  • Know your role in the process
  • Prepare for it. Appoint a 'change ambassador' if necessary. If planning is not thorough, implementation won't be either
  • Communicate the changes to everyone either collectively or individually or both
  • Be compelling in laying out the need for change
  • Justify it with facts and figures
  • Be honest about the pitfalls and emphasise the gains for employees
  • Offer support, encouragement and training
  • Monitor and follow through consistently
  • Give feedback

Afterthought: Keep staff apprised of developments in your sector, even if just conversational, especially about new technologies that might be on the horizon. This mentally prepares them well in advance of what the organisation might need to take on board in the future

An informed workforce is an empowered and productive workforce, and in the event that change is not necessarily good news, organisations might also want to look at their strategy for communicating that news (also see our article, 'Good Ways to Communicate Bad News').

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